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GREAT, a reference in the field of architecture, engineering and the design of complex systems, has announced a unique collaboration with the artist Yoann Ximenes, who has been invited to create a multimedia work as part of an artistic residency on its premises from 15 June to 15 July 2023. Art, technology and science will resonate in a shared universe.

La Symphonie des Vagabonds is a unique immersive installation at the crossroads of experimental science, offering a visual and audio representation of the planets of the solar system as they orbit the Earth. By inviting the artist to its premises, GREAT, which operates in fields such as aerospace, is seeking to explore the possible synergies between contemporary art and engineering, creating an experience that also encourages creativity within its teams.

This multimedia installation, co-produced with the Chroniques Biennials, a digital arts incubator, will be presented as part of an exhibition open to the company’s public, while GREAT’s employees will be able to enjoy the work every day, conceived as a space for exchange.

By sharing this unique experience with the local community, GREAT hopes that this collaboration will inspire other similar projects in the future, in order to foster creativity and innovation. 

PRESS RELEASE 12 April 2023

Director Stéphane Gréa

Curators Isabelle Dervaux Blavet, Charlotte Lepelletier with the collaboration of Constance Lostanlen and Catherine Dessaint


Yoann Ximenes,

La Symphonie des Vagabonds, Biennales Chroniques,

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